Clerk Director Lamont Brooks – August 10, 2023
If they actually cut PS Form 50s making these employees permanent EAS then they are no NOT 204bs. To return to the Craft, it would have to be in accordance with the Clerk Craft-Residual Vacancies MOU.Under the Residual Vacancies-Clerk Craft MOU on pages 430-434 of the 2021 CBA, the parties agree to those procedures, in order to fill Clerk Craft Residual Vacancies that are not subject to a withholding order pursuant to Article 12.
It would be much harder to return to the Craft because the MOU takes precedence over the Article 12.2.B language.
If they are temporary positions as a detail (then a PS Form 1723 would be applicable), then all of the current 204b and Lead Clerk contractual language is still applicable.
We have been informed that they will not be as details, but only a PS Form 50 would prove this statement to be true.
Locals should request a copy of the PS Form 50, if management is making the position they are EAS. If they are on a higher- level detail it would be with a PS Form 1723.
Please disseminate to the field and retain a copy of this e-mail for future reference.
Lamont Brooks
Clerk Division