NPMHU Urges All Members to Support NALC Food Drive – MAY 9, 2015


NALC National Food Drive – May 9, 2015


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(March 27, 2015) For more than 20 years, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) has conducted an annual nationwide food drive on the second Saturday in May. Using the unparalleled postal networks, letter carriers collect non-perishable food donations on that day as they deliver mail along their postal routes. All citizens need to do is place a box or can of non-perishable food next to their mailbox before the letter carrier delivers mail on Saturday, May 9, 2015. The carrier will do the rest. The food is taken back to a postal facility, then sorted and delivered by union volunteers to area food banks or pantries for needy families to access. This food drive has collected more than one billion pounds of food since its inception in 1993. The NPMHU is calling on all Mail Handlers, family and friends to join in, support, and donate to this great program.

via NPMHU Urges All Members to Support NALC Food Drive – MAY 9, 2015 – National Postal Mail Handlers Union.

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