USPS OIG Report: Efficiency of Operations at the Delaware P&DC


This report presents the results of our self-initiated audit of the efficiency of operations at the Delaware Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) in Wilmington, DE. We conducted this audit to provide U.S. Postal Service management with timely information on operational risks at this P&DC. We selected the Delaware P&DC based on Congressional interest in Delaware and concerns raised during a recent House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing. The Delaware P&DC is in the Chesapeake Division and processes letters, flats, and parcels. The Delaware P&DC services multiple 3-digit ZIP Codes in urban and rural communities.

Finding #1: Delayed Mail
On October 25, 2022, at 6:00 a.m., we found 2,700 pieces of delayed mail that was left in the manual processing area. This mail should have been taken to the dock for dispatch to delivery units by 5:00 a.m. so that it could be delivered that day.

Why Did it Occur
The delayed mail occurred due to a lack of management oversight. Specifically, management did not ensure the mail from the manual unit was taken to the dock timely for dispatch because they were focused on dispatching Delivery Point Sequence mail.

Finding #2: Load Scans
Delaware P&DC employees were not performing container load scans consistently before dispatching mail to the next facility. Specifically, from October 2021 through September 2022, scanning performance for load scans at the Delaware P&DC was 86.59 percent, which was below the Postal Service’s scanning goal of 92 percent.

Why Did it Occur
Load scans were not being performed consistently due to a lack of management oversight. Local processing operations management, who recently gained additional responsibility for scanning performance, stated they were aware of the low load scan performance and will be addressing scanning performance.

Finding #3: Safety and Security
We observed many of the trucks and trailers parked at the facility did not have wheel chocks placed next to the tire to prevent them from rolling away while parked at the docks.

Why Did it Occur
The inconsistent use of wheel chocks and unlocked trailers were due to a lack of management oversight. While the P&DC had measures in place to facilitate the use of wheel chocks on parked trucks and trailers and locks on trailer doors, management acknowledged these measures were not monitored or enforced. However, during our review, local management conducted a stand-up talk on the need to use wheel chocks and secure trailers in accordance with policy. Management also provided support that they are conducting daily observations to ensure drivers are following policy. Based on actions taken by local management, we are not issuing a recommendation for these issues.

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Source: USPS OIG

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