Managing Workplace Conflict: USPS Benefits and Wellness webinar – April 16, 2024

April 9, 2024 Postal Service employees may participate in an upcoming webinar on ways to handle any conflicts in their work environment. The session, “Managing Workplace Conflict,” will be held Tuesday, April 16, at 12:30 p.m. Eastern. Representatives from DeVry University will lead the discussion. Participants must register before the event on the webinar website. Participation…

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APWU Retiree Virtual Conference – September 27-29, 2021

Schedule Monday, September 27, 2021 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm ET General Session 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm ET Retiree Workshops (Aging Resources OR Alzheimer Disease from A to Z) 2:45 pm – 4:45 pm ET Retiree Workshops (Chapter Newsletters and Communications OR Communicating with your Legislative Representatives) 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm ET Retiree…

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APWU Biennial National Convention will be held August 15-18, 2022, at National Harbor in DC

From: Liz Powell <> Date: 4/6/21 Subject: Special Virtual Events Sisters, Brothers and APWU Family: Like the NALC and LIUNA‐Mail Handlers Union, the American Postal Workers Union took responsible action to cancel the APWU 20 National Convention originally scheduled in Los Angeles and later slated for October 2021 in Las Vegas. The NEB debated the…

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APWU: February ZOOM Trainings

January 8, 2021 The Research and Education Department is sponsoring a series of Zoom Trainings for local and state officers and shop stewards in February 2021. The link to register is only being sent to local/state presidents. If an officer or steward wishes to attend the Zoom Training, they must contact their president. Special Notes:…

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APWU: State Conventions and Locals Zoom Meeting Training

On Thursday, June 4, 2020, 11:24 AM, Liz Powell <> wrote: To avoid a conflict with the Duty of Fair Representation training on June 25, 2020, the time for the below training on the 25th is being changed to 4:00pm EST From: Liz Powell <> Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 11:23 AM Subject: State Conventions…

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NJ State Postal Workers Union will host Local Negotiations Seminar March 3

Via Bill Lewis, President, New Jersey State Postal Workers Union #130 I am pleased to announce that the New Jersey State Postal Workers Union #130 will be sponsoring a Local Negotiations Seminar to be held on March 3, 2020, I would like to extend an invitation to any one who would like to attend. Local…

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