Obama Proclamation honors victims of Terrorist Attack in Brussels, orders flags flown at half-staff

March 22, 2016 White House Press Release BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION The American people stand with the people of Brussels. We will do whatever it takes, working with nations and peoples around the world, to bring the perpetrators of these attacks to justice, and to go after terrorists…

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What happened to request for Presidential Proclamation establishing a “Postal Heritage Day”?

The Postal Service was established on July 26, 1775, when an act of the Second Continental Congress created the United States Post Office Department, and named Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General.  July 26, 2015 will be the agency’s 240th birthday. On June 5, 2015, the NPMHU, APWU, NALC and NRLCA jointly endorsed a request…

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Unions Request to White House: Proclaim Postal Heritage Day

June 8, 2015 On behalf of the nearly 500,000 postal employees who live and work in communities all across America, the NPMHU, APWU, NALC and NRLCA have jointly endorsed a request to the White House, seeking a Presidential Proclamation establishing a “Postal Heritage Day”. This proclamation would recognize America’s Postal Service as one of our…

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