More on how Planet Postal Revolves Around Amazon – Still Beating this not Quite Dead Horse

By Mel Carriere – July 22, 2015 Excerpt: “If Jeff Bezos had a not quite dead horse to beat like me, you bet he would flog that animal mercilessly for not making production quotas. He has already started to sneak his heavy handed, 19th century style management into the postal service, which became clear to…

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Bonehead Postal Supervisor Chest Thumping Revisited

Excerpt: “Friday we had ten sick calls in our office, ten sick calls out of 25 routes. It actually didn’t turn out as bad as I thought; luckily the mail was pretty light and they called in the CCA Cavalry from all points of the compass to save the day. But when I got back…

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The Postal Tsunami by Mel Carriere: Are you a Robber or a Runner – Thoughts on Inter-Carrier Conflicts

I know I can be a horse’s ass sometimes, but that guy up there in the picture would tell you he takes umbrage with you comparing me to his hindquarters, upon which he places a high esteem. Therefore, says Mr. Horse here on the dusty back stretches of my semi ruralish route, keep your insults…

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The Death of First Class Mail – “That’s not how any of this Works”

By Mel Carriere – February 4, 2015 Maybe it’s just me – I’m not an economics major after all, but I can’t understand the business model behind taking a premium product, the one that brings in the largest amount of income by far, and deliberately destroying it. Imagine, if you will, a fast food chain…

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When the Heat is On, Where is your Supervisor Hiding?

Thoughts on SoCal Wind, Weather, and Whatever By Mel Carriere The winds have now shifted here in San Diego and the breeze is now blowing in from its normal direction, bringing the blessed bounty of cool air from the ocean.  Although we wish them all well up in the North County as the fire continues to burn…

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