USPS OIG Report: Flats Sequencing System Performance – Capital Metro Area

Objective Our objective was to evaluate Flats Sequencing System (FSS) performance in the Capital Metro Area. In October 2008, the U.S. Postal Service began nationwide deployment of 100 FSS machines to sort flat-shaped mail (flats) such as large envelopes, newspapers, catalogs, and magazines into letter carrier delivery order. The Postal Service completed FSS deployment in…

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OIG Report: Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail at the Margaret L. Sellers P&DC

Background Undeliverable bulk business mail (UBBM) is mail the U.S. Postal Service cannot deliver because of an expired change of address, or an incorrect, incomplete, or illegible address. By agreement, the Postal Service does not return UBBM to the business mailer, but recycles it. UBBM includes mail types such as flyers, newsletters, circulars, advertising, bulletins,…

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USPS OIG: How Should the Postal Service Handle Improperly Prepared Mail?

A workshare discount is a postage discount provided to mailers for doing work normally performed by the Postal Service (presorting, barcoding, handling, or transporting mail). In general, the discount should not exceed the cost the Postal Service avoids when someone else performs the task. Improperly prepared workshare mail requires additional handling, which adds to the…

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