NPMHU: USPS to Cease Operations of COVID Command Center

May 3, 2022 During the last 2 years the NPMHU and the USPS negotiated a series of MOUs to address COVID-19 and the impact that it had on all postal employees. These MOUs included the following: SLDC-Childcare Additional MHA Leave Temporary MHA Exception Periods Transfer MOU-COVID-19 Step 3/Arbitration Extensions A Liberal Leave Policy was also…

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USPS: Emergency leave ends September 30

Emergency federal employee leave (EFEL) will no longer be available to Postal Service employees after Sept. 30. EFEL forms should not be used to cover any leave dates beyond this date. COVID-19-related absences after Sept. 30, and documentation to support such absences, must be addressed using the postal leave policies in effect at that time….

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