APWU: Problems with the new Step-GG implementation for PSEs

From: Charlie Cash <CCash@apwu.org>
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2022
Subject: Problems with the Step-GG implementation

Union Family,

It was brought to my attention late Friday afternoon that it appeared that the programming for the new step-GG for PSEs converted under the 24-month provision had a glitch. As a reminder-only PSEs who are converted under the 24-month provision are to start as a career employee in Step-GG and only in levels 5, 6, and 7.

It has been discovered that employees placed at the start of pay scales for levels 5-6-7 are slotting into step-GG no matter the reason for the placement there and regardless of craft.

I discussed this with the Postal Service and they admitted they were aware of the problem but “taking steps” to address it. (Apparently, notifying the Union of the glitch was not a step they felt they needed to take).

I have been told by the Postal Service that they were “instantaneously” placing employees into the appropriate step-FF if they were converted or placed into a career position. However, it has been shown that these “instantaneous” changes are not taking place and some employees who should not be in Step-GG were not moved.

I am angered by this error, angered by the fact they did not inform us of the problem, and angered that they are not moving people as they should. However, as I address the failures at my level, I want to make sure that people are moved to the correct step as quickly as possible and have pay adjustments done for the time period they were in the incorrect steps.

I am requesting that all employees in levels 5, 6, or 7 who have been converted to career or moved from one level to another check to make sure that they are in the correct step. If an employee is in step-GG and they were not converted to career under the 24-month provision, I need to have the employee’s name and EIN provided to me ASAP.

As more information comes out, I will notify the field.

Please share this information with the field.

Thank you and remember-stay safe, wear your mask!
Charlie Cash
Industrial Relations Director
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
202-842-4273 Office; 801-661-1979 Cell

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