APWU: Problems with the new Step-GG implementation for PSEs

From: Charlie Cash <CCash@apwu.org> Sent: Monday, July 18, 2022 Subject: Problems with the Step-GG implementation Union Family, It was brought to my attention late Friday afternoon that it appeared that the programming for the new step-GG for PSEs converted under the 24-month provision had a glitch. As a reminder-only PSEs who are converted under the…

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25 Fort Meyers P&DC Postal Support Employees Prevail in Arbitration

Via Sam Wood, SWFAL President: Thanks to SWFAL-APWU’s Arbitration Advocate Jim DeMauro for doing another outstanding job in this case! Thanks also to Technical Advisor’s NBA Mike Sullivan and SWFAL-APWU Clerk Craft Director Paul McAvoy. Special thanks to SWFAL-APWU Vice President Dan Gray for presenting evidence and excellent testimony in front of the arbitrator. The 25 Postal Support Employees (PSE’s) at…

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