APWU: MOU Designates Official Start Day for Newly Hired PSE Clerks

Web News Article #: 4-2018
01/09/2018 – On Jan. 5, the APWU and USPS signed a Memorandum of Understanding Re: Clerk Craft PSE Hiring and One Day Break. The new MOU designates Saturday, the first day of the pay period, as the hire date of all Clerk Craft Postal Support Employees (PSEs).

Clint Burelson

“The MOU accomplishes three key things,” said Clerk Craft Director Clint Burelson. “First, the MOU helps restore some order and fairness to PSE hiring, as all employees will be hired effective the first day of a pay period instead of any day of the week.

“Second, it preserves important protections for PSEs who elect to get hired in another installation. The MOU allows the PSE to continue with the rights associated with an initial appointment such as eligibility for health benefits, probationary time, etc
 The PSE will start a new relative standing on the PSE rolls in the new installation,” he continued.

“Third, the MOU provides protection for local hiring,” Burelson said. “A PSE cannot just ‘transfer’ to another installation across the country, but instead must be appropriately hired off the register in another installation in order to move to that installation”

The parties mutually agreed that disputes arising under this MOU will be referred to an Administrative Dispute Resolution Procedure (ADRP) at the headquarters level for the first year, until Jan. 5, 2019.

Source: MOU Designates Official Start Day for Newly Hired PSE Clerks | APWU

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