APWU: Maintenance Capable vs Non-Maintenance Capable Offices Settlement Agreement

RE: Q18T-6Q-C 21160044/HQTT20210109 – Revisions to the Administrative Support Manual, Issue 13, Sections 531 and 535 Recently, the parties met to discuss the above-captioned grievance at Step 4 of the grievance/ arbitration procedure. Time limits were extended by mutual agreement. The issue in this dispute is, whether the Postal Service violated Article 15 of the…

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USPS: Presidents Day will be observed Monday, Feb. 19

February 15, 2024 Washington’s Birthday, also known as Presidents Day, will be observed Monday, Feb. 19. The annual observance began in the early 19th century. After George Washington’s death in 1799, his birthday — Feb. 22 — was celebrated informally across the young nation. In 1879, Congress declared Feb. 22 a federal holiday. A 1968…

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