APWU: Maintenance Capable vs Non-Maintenance Capable Offices Settlement Agreement

RE: Q18T-6Q-C 21160044/HQTT20210109 – Revisions to the Administrative Support Manual, Issue 13, Sections 531 and 535 Recently, the parties met to discuss the above-captioned grievance at Step 4 of the grievance/ arbitration procedure. Time limits were extended by mutual agreement. The issue in this dispute is, whether the Postal Service violated Article 15 of the…

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APWU Receives Notification USPS is Planning to Deploy Additional SDUS to Various Facilities

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Date: September 17, 2022 Subject: Fwd: Notification GCCC20220329 USPS Planning to Deploy Additional SDUS to Various Facilities Throughout the Country Please disseminate to the field. Please contact your respective Clerk NBA RI-399 representative or Clerk Assistant Lynn Pallas-Barber in the event you need further assistance. I have assigned Lynn Pallas-Barber as…

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