USPS: Presidents Day will be observed Monday, Feb. 19

In 2008, the Postal Service released a $4.80 Mount Rushmore stamp showing the sculptures of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

February 15, 2024
Washington’s Birthday, also known as Presidents Day, will be observed Monday, Feb. 19.

The annual observance began in the early 19th century. After George Washington’s death in 1799, his birthday — Feb. 22 — was celebrated informally across the young nation.

In 1879, Congress declared Feb. 22 a federal holiday.

A 1968 law moved the Washington’s Birthday holiday to the third Monday of each February.

With the holiday no longer attached to the former president’s date of birth, the day came to celebrate all U.S. commanders in chief.

In addition to observing Washington’s Birthday, the Postal Service salutes presidents through its stamp program.

Every deceased U.S. president has appeared on at least one stamp.

The most recent stamp to feature a president was a 2019 release honoring George H.W. Bush, the 41st president, who served from 1989 to 1993 and died in 2018.

Source: USPS

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