USPS OIG: What safety issues have you witnessed or experienced?

It might not surprise you that dog bites are among the top accidents involving postal workers. After all, dog bites get a lot of media attention and even have a week dedicated to their prevention. But that’s just one type of accident. Others include accidents involving motor vehicles, falls, and repetitive motion injuries. These risks…

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Letter Carrier died of overheating on 117-degree day, coroner’s official says

By Brenda Gazzar – September 24, 2018 A veteran U.S. Postal Service carrier, found unresponsive in her non-air-conditioned mail truck amid record-breaking heat in Woodland Hills this summer, died from overheating, according to coroner’s officials. Peggy Frank, 63, of North Hills died on July 6 of hyperthermia, or abnormally high body temperature caused by a…

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