April 1, 2024
The USPS-NRLCA Joint Rural Contract Administration Manual (RCAM) is being posted on the Postal Service MyHR web page and the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA) website. This documentation is designed as a resource for the administration of the National Agreement.Jointly prepared by the NRLCA and the Postal Service, this manual provides a mutually agreed upon explanation on how the contract should be applied to the issues addressed in the document. When a dispute arises, the parties should first go to the RCAM to determine if the issue in dispute is addressed. If it is, the parties are required to resolve the dispute in accordance with the manual.
The RCAM is a “living document” and will be updated with additional material as we continue to narrow our differences and expand our joint understanding of the USPS/NRLCA National Agreement. We encourage all parties to use the RCAM to ensure contract compliance and to foster more professional working relationships.
Click here to view/download the RCAM and here for a memo between the two parties.
Watch the video below for a video explaining the RCAM:
RCAM – March 2024
Source: NRLCA