United Postmasters and Managers of America (UPMA) is now a reality

The much anticipated wait is over. United Postmasters and Managers of America (UPMA) is now a reality. The long history of the League and NAPUS will always live in purpose and mission through you. As we embark on this new journey, I encourage you not to look back but forward in building your future by growing your organization in which we all have an invested interest. When Tony and I began formal talks two years ago concerning this now realized consolidation we both had the same goal in mind to bring the best of both organizations into one. We feel that this goal has been accomplished and the seeds have been sown. It is now time for us all to cultivate and grow. The outcome ultimately depends on everyone as members and the efforts we all put forth. Your UPMA National Board and office staff are always working for you and we look forward to representing our membership to the best of our ability continuing to strive to make your working environment and jobs the best they can be.


G. Sean Acord and Tony Leonardi
Co-Presidents, UPMA

Source: UPMA

One thought on “United Postmasters and Managers of America (UPMA) is now a reality

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Philadelphia, PA Area Local #89
    Office held, if any
    Retired Maintenance Craft Electronics Technician / Retiree-Activist Member
    Perhaps it’s time for an update on APWU HQ’s efforts to comply with the National Constitution:
    Article 2 of the APWU Constitution:
    SEC. 2. The APWU affirms its belief in a single union of all postal workers in non-supervisory levels. The APWU will make every effort to bring into being a single union of all postal workers by mergers with other postal unions and initiating intensive all-out organizing campaigns reflecting the APWU philosophy.
    SEC. 11. (a) The American Postal Workers Union shall request and make every effort to secure a meeting with the National Association of Letter Carriers, a minimum of once a year, for the sole purpose of discussing and moving in the direction of eventual merger.
    (b) Also, the same type of meetings shall be conducted a minimum of once every two (2) years with the other postal unions (in the United States) that represent postal workers in non-supervisory levels.

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