Postal Service Policy on Workplace Harassment

Effective March 16, 2017, the Postal Service™ issued its Memorandum of Policy (MOP) HR-03-16-2017-2, Postal Service Policy on Workplace Harassment.

This policy:

  • Reaffirms the Postal Service’s commitment to providing a work environment free of harassment.
  • Supersedes MOP HR-03-03-2016-2, Postal Service Policy on Workplace Harassment.

The Postal Service Policy on Workplace Harassment is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website.

— EEO Compliance and Appeals,
Labor Relations, 3-30-17

Source: USPS

One thought on “Postal Service Policy on Workplace Harassment

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC - Branch 1902
    Office held, if any
    Used to have a job
    Unions run the usps. NLRB is union friendly. So, who do you speak with when there is a problem? And if the problem happens to put the usps in a bad light, are they willing to correct the problem before it goes out of control? And if they are willing to correct a problem, who are they? The union? What if the problem stems from the union, then who? Someone in the usps? I’ve been fired in an issue, which I was determined innocent, so how can I get removed on the same issue? Double jeopardy? Does anyone even care about the law?

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