APWU: Local Presidents’ Zoom Training

On Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 1:11 PM, Liz Powell <epowell@apwu.org> wrote:

The Secretary-Treasurer’s Department will be hosting a Local Union Zoom Meeting which will include training on holding executive board meetings, union meetings, and nomination of officers, if an election is pending. I am inviting the Auxiliary and the Retiree Chapters to join us if they so desire.

Local Union Zoom Meeting is scheduled on Thursday, June 25, 2020, from 4pm-6pm EST and the meeting will be no longer than two (2) hours.

If you have not registered:

DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION (BY CLICKING LINK BELOW) is no later than close of business June 24, 2020 after which all registration will be closed.


In the meantime everyone, please stay safe and be well and I am looking forward to seeing everyone on the 18th or the 25th. Via Zoom, of course.


Related: APWU: State Conventions and Locals Zoom Meeting Training

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