APWU: 50-Mile Limit – Minimizing Excessing Memo Extended

Two Related MOUs and Maintenance-Specific Step 4 Settlement Facilitate Extension, Reemployment of Annuitants
Web News Article #: 190-2015
09/29/2015 – The APWU and the USPS have agreed upon two Memoranda of Understanding: “Minimizing Excessing” and “Peak Season Exception Periods,” in addition to a Maintenance-specific Step 4 Settlement, that are all interconnected and result in the extension of the 50-mile memo on Sept. 28, 2015, APWU President Mark Dimondstein announced.

“One of the biggest concerns of our members is the 50-mile limit on excessing which expires with the term of the 2010-2015 National Agreement. I am happy to announce today that the provisions of the Minimizing Excessing MOU will be reactivated and will continue until at least May 20, 2018 with one exception which is covered in the Step 4 Settlement (explained below),” reported President Dimondstein. “Excessing beyond 50 miles is so destructive to our members and devastating to their families, removing this concern for at least the next three years is a positive outcome for all APWU members of all Crafts.”

The granting of an exception period in Function 4 (retail) of the PSE Cap for three pay periods season beginning in 2015 as agreed to in the Peak Season Exception Period MOU will also establish appropriate procedures for the temporary reemployment of annuitants as “Holiday Clerk Assistants” to provide supplemental support for the peak volume seasons applicable to Function 1 and Function 4.

The Step 4 Settlement addresses the situation where there are no residual vacancies available for Maintenance Preference Eligible Veterans who exercise their MSPB rights to remain in their job category and management cannot excess them to a lower level vacancy.

Maintenance Director Raymer commented, “Working with President Dimondstein resulted in the entire APWU obtaining an important protection for our members; one we thought had been lost.

Given our experiences prior to 2010, the opportunity could not be passed by to include the entire Maintenance Craft under the continuing 50 mile excessing radius by the negotiating the retention of the Minimizing Excessing MOU.

Our settlement provides a complete choice for our Veteran Preference Eligibles, including retaining the rights they have earned in service to our country. Additionally, they also have the protections negotiated in our Collective Bargaining Agreement. Whichever is the best arrangement for them individually is theirs to choose.”

Dimondstein added, “I worked very closely with Director Raymer on these issues and appreciate his cooperation.

“The USPS expects a huge surge in parcels this holiday season. Simply put, we then negotiated to achieve a very important goal of contract negotiations – restoration of the Minimizing Excess Memo,” he concluded.

Source: 50-Mile Limit – Minimizing Excessing Memo Extended | APWU

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