Video: Ask Ed Live: Saving the U.S. Postal Service

Saving the U.S. Postal Service – Published on Jan 9, 2015 In Ask Ed Live, Ed Schultz explains the need for the President to defend the U.S. Postal Service to help save the institution. Plus, Ed breaks down the need for smart reporting in sensitive situations.    

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USPS Data Breach Was For Profit – ‘Health Files’ Fetch Handsome Figures, Indicate Investigators

(January 8, 2015) The USPS data breach that took place in November could have been orchestrated primarily for financial gains, indicated the investigators. USPS Chief Human Resources Officer Jeffrey Williamson confirmed that data stored in “a file relating to injury compensation claims” was illegally accessed and siphoned-off by hackers. Health information of as many as…

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APWU 2015 Dues Disbursement Schedule

The table below indicates the date and corresponding pay period in which locals and state organizations can expect headquarters to deposit the Dues Check Off (DCO) rebate monies via Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). via 2015 Dues Disbursement Schedule | APWU.

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APWU: Contract Campaign Training Sparks Great Enthusiasm

Web News Article #: 001-2015 01/09/2015 – Training for the union’s campaign to win a good contract got underway for locals in the APWU’s Western Region on Jan. 6, and participants left the two-day session downright excited about the possibilities. “I have to admit I was apprehensive at first, but came out more enthusiastic than…

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APWU: OIG Report – Postal Service, Customers Would Suffer if Mail Processing Were Eliminated

Web News Article #: 002-2015 01/08/2015 – A little-noticed OIG report bolsters the union’s position that mail processing plants are crucial to Postal Service operations and should not be privatized. Many Americans view the Postal Service as having only two components: those who deliver mail and those who assist you at the window, the Dec….

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Shrewsbury, MA postal workers brace for job cuts

By Elaine Thompson – January 8, 2015 SHREWSBURY — Hundreds of employees at the Central Massachusetts Processing and Distribution Center will have to reapply for jobs elsewhere when services at the facility are consolidated with two others, a USPS spokeswoman said Thursday. John H. Flattery, president of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO Local 4553,…

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Portland Communities & Postal Workers United: Again, Postal Protesters’ Charges Dismissed

Five actions, multiple arrests, no trials More actions planned to defend the postal service Immediate Release, January 8, 2015 For the fifth time in two years, the “postal defenders” won a reprieve yesterday. County Judge Eric Bergstrom dismissed criminal charges in a civil disobedience protest case which was over a year old, saying the seven…

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