USPS Settles With Union Over Data Breach

nlrb_signBy Brian Mahoney – May 22, 2015

The Postal Service will settle a union complaint to the National Labor Relations Board, alleging it refused to bargain over how to compensate 800,000 employees affected by a data breach that stole their personal information. The agreement will require the USPS to negotiate over how it should respond to the breach, which exposed data that identity thieves prize, including employee’s Social Security numbers and birthdays. Unions complained that officials kept them in the dark about facts of the breach and acted unilaterally in offering victims a year’s free credit monitoring. The complaint was a novel one — the NLRB, has rarely, if ever, considered whether employers have a duty to bargain with labor groups over data breaches, POLITICO Pro Labor & Employment’s Brian Mahoney has the story:

Source: PATRIOT Act sunset looms — A working weekend? — Unlikely bedfellows — Different pictures of domestic data-gathering – POLITICO Morning Cybersecurity – POLITICO

3 thoughts on “USPS Settles With Union Over Data Breach

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Jonesboro, AR Local 1843
    Office held, if any
    Treasurer and VP / Clerk

    I never got the credit monitoring the first time they sent them out, so I called shared services and they said they would send what I needed to be covered. I never got that either. I have just been left on my own with no monitoring service that we were supposed to get. Just another postal lie.

    They could care less about the Employees who have given their heart and soul to the postal service so the customer could get the best possible service, even though good service is a thing of the past because of the consolidations.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch

    I would like to know what happens after the year is up? We are no longer protected and our personal information is out there?

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Philadelphia, PA Area Local #89 - Retiree Chapter
    Office held, if any
    Member / Rogue Rank and File Activist and Advocate

    In a move typically reserved for the most intractable employers, the NLRB was seeking special remedies for the Postal Service’s unlawful acts.

    “In view of the extensive history of repeated unfair labor practice violations found by the Board and courts,” the complaint said, the NLRB is seeking an order “to comprehensively address the Postal Service’s violations of the law.”

    The special remedies include a video featuring a top postal manager reading an NLRB-drafted notice to employees and an NLRB-imposed bargaining schedule, with regular progress reports and pay for union negotiators.

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