Regarding the Moratorium on AMP Consolidations in NE Area

~Via Christine Lawlor-Roth – President, APWU Mid-Hudson~

midhudson_maildelay_videoReceived official notification from National and Area that a Moratorium has passed and Mid Hudson Mail Processing and Distribution Centers excessing event has been put on hold until at least October. What this means for those employees who were awarded bids in the April posting, those who bid in the May posting, and whether bids will remain in withholding I do not know at this time. I am awaiting further information from Area regarding this moratorium. This is the information I received:

Regarding the moratorium on the AMP consolidations for the 5 events in the NE Area, here is a brief outline.

1. Queens, NY event will continue as scheduled for the July 25 move date. According to the Area VP this is not a consolidation but rather an operational change from letters and flats to a parcels sortation operation. The movement of the operations is necessary due to the space requirement of the 2 SPSS being deployed in June. After several months of working on this impact it is most likely going to be an internal event for both crafts…and depending on the jurisdiction of the SPSS the Clerk Craft can gain positions. WE are still hoping for the same internal event for the maintenance craft as well.

2. Central MA – A final decision is pending to move this event off until 2016. If that is the final decision then the Article 12 withholding will be rescinded. I requested that this decision be made as soon as possible so that this can be communicated to the employees.

3. Stamford, CT – This event is off for the July 25 move date. A decision will be made in the very near future as to the status of this event. The options are to delay it until the October move date or move it into 2016. Again if the decision is to move it into 2016 the issue of continuing the Article 12 withholding will be discuss at the Area/Regional level.

4. Southern, CT – This event is off for the July 25 move date. A decision will be made in the very near future as to the status of this event. The options are to delay it until the October move date or move it into 2016. Again if the decision is to move it into 2016 the issue of continuing the Article 12 withholding will be discuss at the Area/Regional level.

5. Mid-Hudson, NY – This event is off for the July 25 move date. A decision will be made in the very near future as to the status of this event. The options are to delay it until the October move date or move it into 2016. Again if the decision is to move it into 2016 the issue of continuing the Article 12 withholding will be discuss at the Area/Regional level.

The struggle continues!
Unite in Solidarity!!!!

One thought on “Regarding the Moratorium on AMP Consolidations in NE Area

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Cape Girardeau Area Local 4088
    Office held, if any

    Does anyone have information as to whether this moratorium is area-specific or nationwide?

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