The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires all Postal Service™ installation and establishment heads to complete and post the OSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, for calendar year (CY) 2019, in accordance with 29 CFR 1904, and the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), part 821, Actions in the Event of Accident, Injury, or Illness.
From February 1 through April 30, 2020, installations are required to post a copy of the OSHA Form 300A for CY 2019 in a conspicuous place at every establishment where employees work or report to work.
When reviewing the OSHA 300 Log, installation heads must pay close attention to the following columns:
- Column F, which includes:
- A description of the injury or illness,
- The parts of the body affected (including which side of the body), and
- The object or substance that directly injured or made the person ill. (e.g., Second-degree burns on right forearm from acetylene torch).
- Columns K and L. If an injury is identified as “days away from work” in column K or “on the job transfer or restriction” in column L, installation heads must ensure that the number of days entered is accurate.
For every entry on the OSHA 300 Log, the installation head must ensure that there is a corresponding Accident Report Form 1769/301 in the Employee Health and Safety application, which populates the OSHA Form 301, Injury and Illness Incident Report.
The left side of OSHA Form 300A contains sets of information data points with a letter, such as the letter “K,” that corresponds to each data point. The data points come from the OSHA 300 Log summary columns with the same letter.
The right side of the OSHA Form 300A is self-explanatory except for the North American Industrial Classification code. The code for Vehicle Maintenance Facilities is 811111 and the code for all other Postal Service establishments is 491110.
Before posting and signing the OSHA Form 300A, the installation or establishment heads must review the OSHA 300 Log and the OSHA 300A Summary Reports. When they sign the OSHA Form 300A, they are affirming that they have reviewed both OSHA forms for accuracy and completeness, whether they use manual or automated versions of the forms.
— Safety and OSHA Compliance Programs,
Employee Resource Management, 1-16-20
Source: USPS