USPS: Indianapolis job fair draws hundreds

More than 700 job seekers attended a recent career fair organized by Greater Indiana District. “If we organize it, they will come,” said Acting Field Recruiter Mary Banks. Attendees included professionals interested in beginning second careers, as well as newcomers like Chandler Page, 22, a recent Ball State University graduate. “I came to the job…

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VIDEO: The ED Show – 15,000 postal service jobs could disappear

Republican attack against the United States Postal Service grows, as the do-nothing Congress down make your mail delivery significantly slower. Ed Schultz and Sen. Bernie Sanders discuss.   via 15,000 postal service jobs could disappear | MSNBC.

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USPS Union Shows Why People Hate Unions

Staples-U.S. Postal Service deal would’ve been good for all parties, including customers Staples has been really struggling as of late, as have all office supply stores. The superstore concept is starting to fail in the face of competition from stores like Dollar Tree, Walmart and Amazon, not to mention Uline. Staples management had a great…

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Video Highlights: ‘Stop Staples’ National Day of Action

Published on May 12, 2014 APWU members and supporters ramped up the fight to Stop Staples and its bid to open postal counters in 1,500 stores nationwide at events across the country on April 24, a National Day of Action. Protests were held in 56 locations in 27 states. via “Stop Staples’ National Day of…

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Postal workers: Staples partnership is bad for government business

Since January, postal workers in 27 states have held protests objecting to a Staples-U.S. Postal Service (USPS) partnership that offers in-store postal services using non-union retail employees. In Concord, N.H., more than 100 USPS workers wore conspicuous blue shirts and lined a busy commercial road near a Staples store chanting, “Union busting, we say no!…

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