USPS: Caring Letters Program curbs veteran suicides

Mail call has always been a morale-boosting military tradition, but it turns out that mail can do more than improve a service member’s disposition — it can also save their life. Last summer, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) launched the Caring Letters Program, which mails recurring messages to veterans enrolled in VA health…

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USPS: Military Appreciation Month observed in May

Military Appreciation Month, declared a national observance by Congress in 1999, is marked annually in May. “The Postal Service is proud to have veterans and the dedication they bring to our workforce,” said Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan. “We are equally proud to serve veterans and members of the armed forces as valued customers, and…

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USPS: News for service members

USPS has released the latest issue of Mail Call, a quarterly newsletter for employees who served in the military. The issue features stories about veterans and career and retirement information, along with a list of veterans’ coordinators for each Postal Service district. Source: USPS News Link  

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In peace time and in war there will always be mail call

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan – The Marines of the Camp Leatherneck post office are few in number but have been working hard during the five months they have been deployed. Ensuring mail is delivered and picked up from all service members and civilians working in Regional Command (Southwest), the Marines of the post office make postal…

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