USPS: Beat the Heat, Stay Cool

It’s that time of year again, when the temperatures begin to rise, and the potential for heat-related illnesses becomes a factor during your daily work routine. Here are some quick tips for battling the heat: Hydrate before, during, and after work. Prevention is important, so make sure to maintain good hydration by drinking at least…

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USPS: Beat the heat – Kit offers tips to stay cool during hot weather

The Postal Service has produced a safety kit to help employees recognize and avoid heat-related illnesses. The kit includes tips on preventing heat stress, such as: Hydrate before, during and after work. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Dress appropriately. On warm days, wear light-colored, loose-fitting, breathable clothing to keep body…

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Postal Bulletin: Beat the Heat, Stay Cool

In May, the Postal Service™ will deploy a Safety Depends on Me campaign titled “Beat the Heat, Stay Cool” to provide information to carriers delivering mail in hot weather. As temperatures begin to rise, the potential for heat-related illnesses increases. Therefore, it’s important to remember the keys to staying cool and safe this summer season….

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When the Heat is On, Where is your Supervisor Hiding?

Thoughts on SoCal Wind, Weather, and Whatever By Mel Carriere The winds have now shifted here in San Diego and the breeze is now blowing in from its normal direction, bringing the blessed bounty of cool air from the ocean.  Although we wish them all well up in the North County as the fire continues to burn…

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