I am trying to enter workhour information manually on the MDAT form. The program keeps telling me that the hours that I have entered are incorrect. The hours are for Tour 2. I need to get this information loaded in. Can someone give me a clue as to why my data is deemed incorrect? Thanks.
First Name: Leslie
Last Name: Campbell
Email: lcampbell5166@gmail.com
Union/Local: Saginaw Area Local 486-487
Office held if any: President
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Rapid City Local 760
Office held, if any
What are the hours you are trying to use?
I have found that the program does not allow for manually entry of hours from Pay Period 27 last year (a rarity). I had to start using PP1, and then cross it out and put 27 on the forms… following along with PP1 actually being labeled PP2, PP2 as PP3, etc. And then having to write the proper PP in pen once printed.