APWU: Update on Article 1.6.B ‘Global Settlement’ Remedy

Clint Burelson

Clint Burelson

Web News Article #: 062-2015
03/24/2015 – APWU Clerk Craft Director Clint Burelson has updated union members on progress toward disbursing a $56 million settlement that was signed Dec. 5, 2014, to resolve disputes over postmasters and supervisors in small offices performing bargaining unit work.

As part of the settlement, the Postal Service was required to provide reports showing the amount of bargaining unit work performed by postmasters and supervisors in Level 15, 16 and 18 offices.

The Postal Service has not provided all the information the union requested regarding hours of work for part-time flexible (PTF) employees and employees holding Non-Traditional Full-Time (NTFT) assignments during the period in question, Burelson said.

“The Postal Service has provided information, but there were many problems with that data,” he reported.

The reports provided by the Postal Service showing the amount of bargaining unit work performed by postmasters and supervisors in Level 15, 16 and 18 offices through the use of modified Forms 1260 also were deficient, Burelson said.

“We cannot make an informed decision on disbursement of the $56 million in the 12/05/2014 Global Settlement Remedy Agreement until that information is provided. We are working to ensure that we have all the work hour data and the data is accurate,” he wrote.

“The delay here is fine tuning all the necessary data information and putting the reports in a format that will be easier to understand and review.

“Once the reports are completed and ready for posting, the union will hold a webinar on how to read, understand, and handle information regarding postmasters/supervisor performing bargaining unit work,” he concluded.

For background on the case, click here.

APWU_Clerkvia Update on Article 1.6.B ‘Global Settlement’ Remedy | APWU.

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