USPS: North Houston Electronics Technician wins award for improving mail processing

North Houston P&DC Electronics Technician Larry Turner was being trained to adjust sensors inside the Advanced Facer Canceller System (AFCS) 200 mail-processing machine when a light bulb went off.

“I knew there had to be a better way to make the adjustment,” Turner said. “When I returned to the P&DC, I put my mind on the task and came up with an idea.”

Turner developed a way to improve sensor alignment gauges and submitted his proposal through eIDEAS, an online system that collects employee suggestions.


North Houston P&DC ET Larry Turner

Engineering Systems approved Turner’s design, which is now being implemented. The device assists technicians in aligning the mail hopper sensors that allow peak-performance operation as mail is fed into the machine to be canceled and sorted.

“I’m honored that my device will be shared throughout the nation to help other technicians work smarter, and not harder,” said Turner, who won an award for his submission. “It’s great to be recognized for making contributions to postal processing.”

The eIDEAS application is part of the Ideas Program, which seeks employee suggestions on improving customer satisfaction, generating more revenue and increasing productivity.

via USPS News Link Story – Innovation for the nation.

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