APWU: Postal Service “liberal” leave policy in light of school closings

From: Mark Dimondstein <mdimondstein@apwu.org>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 12:45 PM
Subject: Leave in light of school closings


This morning we initiated discussion with the Postal Service regarding their leave policy as it relates to new hardships of child/family care placed on many of our members due to school closings in many states.

The Postal Service stated they are working on implementing a “liberal” leave policy. We made some concrete proposals and the Postal Service promised to get back to us today.

The union view is that at a minimum, “liberal leave” should mean that no leave usage is held against employees and LWOP should be available to those who do not have leave balances to cover the time.

Please disseminate this to your local and state officer lists and please let us know any concrete problems that are arising from the field on this issue.

We will follow up on the progress of our ongoing discussions with management at the HQ level.

Thanks for all your continuing diligent work as this pandemic is deeply affecting the health, economy and way of life for millions, with no end in sight.

In Solidarity,

Mark Dimondstein, President
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO

1300 L Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 842-4250
(202) 842-4297 (Fax)

Related: USPS: COVID-19 Coronavirus – Updated Supervisor and Management Guidance (3/13/20)

3 thoughts on “APWU: Postal Service “liberal” leave policy in light of school closings

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU 984 Fayetteville NC
    Email Address

    I was sick with a cold and sinus issues as well as 27 weeks pregnant prior to the pandemic and have stayed home because I also have a child with a very week immune system whom is sick as well, will I be fired because of this!

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Albany NY local
    Office held, if any
    union sister
    Email Address

    President National Emergency
    Declare Bill: 2 weeks paid sick leave for workers advised from public health to stay home 14 days to contain the spread of disease.

    Advice: USPS SHOULD HAVE EMPLOYEES notify management if they are traveling or know of family and friends to RED ZONE HOT SPOTS. (to stay home 14 days)

    TO protect 600,000 workers the USPS should pay administrative.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Nags Head, NC
    Email Address

    I have been off sick and under my doctors care since 03-02. It is not COVID, but a serious respiratory issue. My PM has only ‘consented’ to give me sick leave for my ‘scheduled work days’ I am a PTF. He has busted us down to 20-25 hours a week from the beginning of the year. I have requested 30-40 hours a week since going out. How can I get this handled? I have contacted my Union Steward.

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