From: Mark Dimondstein <>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 12:45 PM
Subject: Leave in light of school closingsAll,
This morning we initiated discussion with the Postal Service regarding their leave policy as it relates to new hardships of child/family care placed on many of our members due to school closings in many states.
The Postal Service stated they are working on implementing a “liberal” leave policy. We made some concrete proposals and the Postal Service promised to get back to us today.
The union view is that at a minimum, “liberal leave” should mean that no leave usage is held against employees and LWOP should be available to those who do not have leave balances to cover the time.
Please disseminate this to your local and state officer lists and please let us know any concrete problems that are arising from the field on this issue.
We will follow up on the progress of our ongoing discussions with management at the HQ level.
Thanks for all your continuing diligent work as this pandemic is deeply affecting the health, economy and way of life for millions, with no end in sight.
In Solidarity,
Mark Dimondstein, President
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO1300 L Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 842-4250
(202) 842-4297 (Fax)
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU 984 Fayetteville NC
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Albany NY local
Office held, if any
union sister
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Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU Nags Head, NC
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