Video: USPS sends lost mail items to Atlanta to be claimed or auctioned online

By Marshall Zelinger – June 30, 2015
HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. – When your package gets lost in the mail, the items inside don’t always go unused. A Denver-area man shipped nine boxes of his own book to be sold at a conference, but four of those boxes never made it.

“Slight problem. 88 of the books did not arrive at the conference,” said Chuck Blakeman. “The U.S. Postal System said they were lost.”

When Blakeman inquired about filing a claim, he was told he had to wait 30 days. He did not have to wait long to find them. Around the same time the books should have arrived in Georgia, he said found them listed for sale online through Amazon.

Source: The U.S. Postal Service sends lost mail items to Atlanta to be claimed or auctioned online – 7NEWS Denver

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