USPS will honor employees who are veterans with a special badge and lanyard

Veterans Day, an annual holiday to honor individuals who have served in the U.S. military, is Wednesday, Nov. 11.

The holiday holds special significance for the Postal Service, one of the nation’s largest employers of veterans. Approximately 113,000 USPS employees have served in the Armed Forces.

The Postal Service will honor employees who are veterans with a special badge and lanyard that they can wear year-round, along with a letter from PMG Megan Brennan. These items will be sent to each veteran’s mailing address.

If you’re a veteran and you don’t receive your package by Dec. 1, send an email to or see your manager or supervisor.

“The Postal Service is proud of the veterans in its workforce, and we thank each of them for their service to our country,” said Employee Resource Management VP Nancy Rettinhouse.

More information is available in the PMG’s video message [blue], as well as the Veterans Day section on the Multicultural Resources [blue] site.

Source: Veterans Day | USPS News Link

2 thoughts on “USPS will honor employees who are veterans with a special badge and lanyard

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC - Branch 1069

    Why don’t you give veterans their time as Casuals or TE’s to them towards retirement? I think it’s very disrespectful to us veterans.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU 480/481 Area Local Ferndale, Michigan
    Office held, if any
    Veterans Director for MPWU and 480/481 Area Local of the APWU

    How about remembering our Postal Service Retiree’s who were Veterans and have done their time, keeping our Mail on time!!!

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