If you think New York City slows down on Sundays, think again. That’s why the Postal Service is using an innovative technique to quickly deliver Sunday packages to customers in the city.
Through dynamic routing, USPS sorts delivery points in logical, efficient 4-5 hour delivery routes. Turn-by-turn driving instructions for letter carriers are included.
“It’s a good program. It’s something that works,” said Customer Services Supervisor Jordan Triebwasser, who serves as Triboro District’s coordinator for Sunday parcel deliveries. Triebwasser oversees 20 hubs that deliver in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island — and average 99.99 percent in scanning. “It’s very powerful. It helps me help these hubs,” Triebwasser said.
USPS introduced dynamic routing last year at facilities that have parcel-only routes.
The concept, which is part of a broader effort to grow the USPS package service, continues to expand as Sunday deliveries become more popular.
Triebwasser has firsthand knowledge of dynamic routing’s effectiveness.
On a recent Sunday, he arrived home and found several parcels that were delivered while he was at work.
“The Post Office is the only game in town on Sundays,” Triebwasser said.
Source: New York minute | USPS News Link
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