USPS: Helping delivery units make better use of limited operational space

The team that created the Space Constrained Facility Playbook includes, from left, Rick Perez, Pacific Area; Cindy Wheeler, Capital Metro Area; Bobby Redden, Eastern Area; Sandra Rausch, Great Lakes Area; Bruce Turchiarelli, Southern Area; Lisa Ebner, Western Area; and Dwight Young and Paolo Dizon, USPS headquarters.

The Postal Service has a new tool to help delivery units make better use of limited operational space.

The Space Constrained Facility Playbook is a comprehensive plan to reorganize delivery units that are struggling with space challenges amid rising package volumes.

The playbook was developed by a team of employees from the seven USPS areas who came together to find storage solutions that wouldn’t require significant facility alternations, expansions or new construction.

The team visited 66 delivery sites across the United States and used principles from the Lean Six Sigma business improvement process.

The team tested the plan at four sites: Charlotte Downtown Station, NC; Huntsville, NC; Fort Mill, SC; and Matthews, NC.

Approximately 6,751 square feet of space was recaptured for workroom use, enough to provide immediate short-term parcel growth relief.

The recaptured space will save the Postal Service more than $1 million.

“Because the Postal Service has limited financial resources, it is especially critical to find cost-effective solutions to help facilities deal with space constraints,” said Facilities Requirements Analyst Paolo Dizon, the team lead.

The Facilities Blue page has the playbook.

Source: USPS News Link

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