Via APWU Member Sam Wood:
The two attached spreadsheets have been updated to include delayed mail up until April 15, 2015 (4 days ago). There is a spreadsheet containing 2-Day Failed or Delayed Mail and then another spreadsheet for 3-Day Failed or Delayed Mail.
As you will find on the spreadsheets, the amount of 3-day failed pieces almost doubled from quarter 1 to 2 after management implemented the Operating Window Change (OWC) on about January 10, 2015.
The 2-day failed pieces increased almost 5 times from quarter 1 to 2.
By adding the April 1 thru April 15, 2015 information, this shows that delays are continuous and that the information is current as well.
This shows that management’s OWC plan has been a failure.
I am sure that once this information gets out, management will be hesitant to report future failed pieces on official USPS reports. Managers in each district are feeling pressure to find better ways to manipulate the system in order to make internal reports look much better than they actually are.
Putting these spreadsheets together have been time consuming, exhausting and I hope this will motivate our membership to get involved. I hope that everyone understands that due to the work put in compiling this information, this may be my last e-mail on this subject for a while.
Yours in Solidarity,
Sam Wood –
President, Southwest Florida Area Local / APWU
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Cape Girardeau Area Local 4088
Office held, if any
Bro. Wood,
Can you outline a quick tutorial on how and where to get the info to do this type of documentation?
Thanks again for your work and dedication in putting the data together, sir.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Cape Girardeau Area Local 4088
Outstanding documentation, sir. I appreciate your personal time and effort put into this very important documentation. Have you submitted the data to the PRC?