5 thoughts on “Retirees holding local office

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Charlotte Local 0375
    Office held, if any
    Clerk Craft Director

    We have had several presidents who are retired. I know that dues paying members, can be union officers and are productive individuals.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Michigan State Retiree Chapter (MPWU Chapter President)
    Office held, if any
    National Retiree Delegate, Central Region

    All 3 responses are correct. I weigh in since the question comes from the Region I serve, and because as an infrequent visitor to this site I noted that of the 5 elected National Retiree Delegates to the APWU National Convention, mine is the only one not listing my contact information. That’s somewhat disconcerting inasmuch as it is included on the published list furnished by the APWU Retirees’ Dept. Preferring to give the benefit of doubt to the apwu.org site manager.

    My contact info is:
    E-mail: allab1937@gmail.com
    Phone: 989-736-8173
    Mailing address: 3550 Wilson Street, Spruce, MI 48762

    Feel free to contact me anytime! Solidarity Forever!

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU- Auburn WA Local
    Office held, if any
    Retired President

    See Option 2 on the APWU retiree’s membership form. To continue to hold elected office this form needs to be submitted promptly to the APWU Retirees Department to avoid a break in membership. Dues withholding stops automatically when a person retires.

  4. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    San Antonio Alamo Area Local 0195
    Office held, if any
    Editor / Webmaster

    My thinking is that if a retiree continues to be a full paying member, then he/she had all rights afforded all members.
    But someone more knowledgeable will probably offer a better explanation.

  5. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Ohio Postal Workers Union AFL-CIO
    Office held, if any

    Unless prohibited by your local constitution, any retiree who maintains full dues paying status is eligible to hold office.

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