My Brain is Fried, My Body is Broken and my Load has been Leveled

“To add to my misery brought about by the energy draining heat, our relatively small station has been decimated by injuries, so I have been working 10 hour days 6 days a week. I’m not trying to be a diva or a crybaby, I know all of you have been through these difficulties at your stations and will go through them again – I’m just trying to sell you my excuse that even Mighty Mel sometimes gets too hot and tired to put pen to paper, and although I’m waiting for PMG Donahoe to extend the 24 hour day by his own personal decree it hasn’t happened yet.

To get back to the point of the article I’ll pose the question of how your load leveling experience has been going. Some of you may have been grinding it out in blissful ignorance of any changes to your work routine force fed you by the Postal Service, but against the recommendations of the PRC (Postal Rates Commission) and the major mailers a process called load leveling was rolled out on April 10th of this year. The goal of load leveling is to redistribute the enormous Monday mail volume more evenly throughout the week.

The PRC’s recommendation was for the Postal Service to actually conduct a cost benefit analysis to make sure the plan was economically feasible, and perhaps do some field testing first, but the Post Office stubbornly rolled it out anyway without being certain that it would work.  Did I hear a big collective yawn out there in the postal blogosphere?  This is nothing new – nobody who works for the USPS really expects management to test a new system before we are burdened with it and have to invent our own work-arounds.”

More:  My Brain is Fried, My Body is Broken and my Load has been Leveled | Postal Provocateur with Mel Carriere.

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