One thought on “90-Day Casuals Were In the Bargaining Unit until 1975

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Santa Clara
    Office held, if any
    no office ever held

    I was a casual right after this contractual change in February 1976. Management really used the “whips” on us casuals big time. Psychological torments and mind f*cks were gratuitously used. Forty years later and thirty years as a regular non-casual retiree I’m still recovering mentally. Thanks to being able to subsequently join the union as a regular employee the pay for “blue collar” work was good at the USPS and job security was good too. Those benefits “made up” for an otherwise difficult workplace environment. We “little people” can’t have it all, it’s either “put up” or live at the curb and eat dog excrement. I chose the former.

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