Mail Handlers to Perform Duties Associated with SPSS Operation

Click image for related OIG Project

Click image for related OIG Project

On June 2, 2015, the Union received the Postal Service’s determination of craft jurisdiction for employees operating the Small Parcel Sorter System (SPSS), which is currently deployed in five pilot test locations, and will be deployed shortly in twenty-six other facilities around the country. As set forth in the captioned letter, the Postal Service has determined that “the primary craft for all duties associated with the operation of the SPSS is the Mail Handler Craft.”

Source: USPS Issues Primary Craft Determination: Mail Handlers to Perform Duties Associated with SPSS Operation – National Postal Mail Handlers Union

2 thoughts on “Mail Handlers to Perform Duties Associated with SPSS Operation

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Trenton Metro Area Local APWU

    Something smells fishy here. Consider the source, this makes no sense. I work the APBS, and unless you have ULTRON running the machine, there will be a lots of rejects and who will process them? What’s the difference in loading faced up mail on a DBCS, FSS 100 or the SPSS? Nothing. If the first 3 are Clerk’s jobs then the SPSS has to be as well. And there has been overturns of the Arbitration decisions – The Mark machine in 010, for example.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Auburn WA Local
    Office held, if any
    Retired President

    I can’t think of a single USPS jurisdictional craft determination that was overturned in arbitration. It’s an area arbitrators don’t like to touch. Eliminating schemes has endangered clerks’ jobs and their pay level.

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