Experience Matters – Re-elect Sonia Canchola, NBA Clerk “A” San Francisco Region

I am humbly asking for you to support my Re-Election to the NBA Clerk “A” San Francisco Region.

I have the experience, knowledge, and integrity for the job. I have trained with National Officers at National Conventions and All Craft Conferences and state and local level as well. I have the direct line and access to our top leadership for assistance in developing cases to take to arbitration. I was actively involved in the development and negotiations of the July 8, 2021 10 MILLION dollar California State TACs settlement. I have created and shared numerous templates to the field for guidance for grievance processing in subjects such as 204B violations, Injured employees in the Clerk Craft, Failure to Comply TACs templates and more.

Experience and knowledge are a must in this position. I have proven leadership skills as communication skill. I ask you to allow me to continue to serve YOU. Follow me on Facebook

First Name: Sonia
Last Name: Canchola
Email: soniacanchola1@yahoo.com
Union/Local: California Area Local
Office held if any: Secretary Treasure, Exec. VP & President Current NBA Clerk “A” San Francisco Region

2 thoughts on “Experience Matters – Re-elect Sonia Canchola, NBA Clerk “A” San Francisco Region

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    I have worked with Sonia for more then 7 years now and she does an excellent job for our membership. She has the knowledge and drive to do the job. Please vote to re-elect Sonia.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - San Antonio Alamo Area Local
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    I agree with Sonia, experience and knowledge does matter when handling grievances. Article 15 is the most important and most utilized Article in our national agreement. Every grievance starts with Article 15.

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