I am watching c-span and the question about mismanagement in the post office was asked. The question was side stepped.
In our area the people promoted over the years have been craft employees with terrible work histories, friends of the manager choosing the candidates, or boyfriends/ girlfriends of the manager doing the choosing. This is a well known problem in our area. I have seen people passed over with business degrees, and great work histories.
Leadership starts with the first line supervisors and if they are like the ones we have then we have already failed.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
It is not just “your area.” Tragically, the path you mention is actually the norm. It’s a wonder the PO survives at all.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
TriCounty Area Local 3800
Office held, if any
Maintenance Craft Director, Chief Steward 19026
The incompetent always will promote the incompetent.
The office I am at has a PM that has everyone running scared of him.
He treats the managers here worse than craft.
Trust me, just because someone is educated doesn’t make them a good manager in the USPS.
Those of us on the workroom floor need to unite to make changes from the bottom up.