Steve Raymer, Director, Maintenance Division
Web News Article #: 80-2015
04/14/2015 – Maintenance Craft employees who are eligible for a monetary remedy in the Associate Office Infrastructure (AOI) arbitration award have been identified, Director Steve Raymer has announced. Checks to union members are currently being processed.
Eligible employees are those who occupied an ET-10, ET-11, AMS-8 or AMT-9 position on Dec. 11, 2014, as well as any (former) ETs who were in a saved grade status on that date. Each identified recipient will receive a lump-sum payment of $1,056.71.
The resolution identifies 7,149 eligible employees.
Payment is expected during Pay Period 10-2015 or Pay Period 11-2015, which ends on May 15, 2015, Raymer said.
Members of the identified groups who do not receive payment by the end of Pay Period 11 should contact the Maintenance Division, in writing, and should include the following information:
Current Occupational Group
Office Location
Supporting Document(s) should also be included, such as PS Form 50 or the pay stub for Pay Period 1-2015, which included Dec. 11, 2014.
Information should be sent to:
Maintenance Division
Steve Raymer, Director
1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005
“There was a small variance between the number of employees identified by the APWU and the Postal Service, but the Maintenance Craft officers decided to go forward with expeditious payment and set aside a portion of the award to ensure no one falls through the cracks,” Raymer said. “This is commonly done with large monetary arbitration awards.”
via Members Eligible For Maintenance Craft’s AOI Remedy Identified | APWU.