USPS wants employees to share memories of Santa

USPS Operation Santa – 2017

If you have stories about this guy, USPS wants to know.

If you’re a Postal Service employee who has special memories involving Santa Claus, the organization wants to hear from you.

Each year, USPS offers Operation Santa, a program that allows employees to aid families in need by “adopting” their letters to St. Nick and granting their holiday wishes.

To help promote this year’s program, the Postal Service wants testimonials from employees who’ve participated in the past, as well as those who’ve had unique experiences involving Santa.

Here’s what USPS is seeking:

• Testimonials. Have you ever adopted a letter through Operation Santa and made a child’s wish come true? If so, what made you adopt the letter? How did the experience make you feel?

• Memories. When you were a child, did your family participate in Operation Santa or a similar program? Did you write a letter to Santa that was adopted by someone else? If so, what did you request, and how did you feel when your wish came true?

• Stories. Have you had any memorable interactions with Santa, either as a child or as an adult?

• Pictures. Do you have poignant or historical photos of you and Santa?

Email your thoughts to

Your contributions — whether they’re sweet, funny or sentimental — could be used to promote Operation Santa in Link stories and other communication channels this holiday season.

Source: USPS

2 thoughts on “USPS wants employees to share memories of Santa

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Philadelphia, PA Area Local
    Office held, if any
    Retiree Activist and Advocate
    Email Address

    Ernest Johnson,

    I found this blog article from Psychology Today to be very interesting:

    “But fantasy in general is a normal and healthy part of child development. Children spend a large amount of time pretending, especially between the ages of five and eight. They are also constantly exposed to media in which animals can talk, people can fly, and objects magically appear out of thin air. Why should a group of flying reindeer be any more fantastical than a talking mouse or a singing snowman? Although magical thinking decreases between the ages of seven and nine (around the same age at which most children give up the Santa Claus myth), it doesn’t disappear forever: Sometimes we adults need a little magic in our lives, too, as we bear out our superstitions, relish in the excitement of “haunted” houses, and recite prayers to loved ones who have passed.”

    More: Why It’s OK for Kids to Believe in Santa Claus

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Oakland Local Retiree Chapter
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    Soon as we stop telling lies to our Youths and Younger about this Santa tale and realize the Children will learn about this Universal lie. This isn’t fun, raising youths to tell the truth but Grownups constantly lie about this, does irreparable harm for years. The Union then blames the USPS of not bargaining in good faith, WELL?

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