USPS: Virtual job fair to showcase retail, delivery opportunities

The May 19-28 job fair will allow USPS employees to explore retail and delivery career opportunities.

Retail and Delivery Operations will hold a virtual job fair from May 19-28.

The fair will allow Postal Service employees to explore retail and delivery career opportunities as the organization realigns itself to achieve the goals of Delivering for America, its new 10-year plan.

During the fair, employees can watch video presentations from the Retail and Delivery Operations vice presidents on job opportunities within their organizations. There will also be interactive sessions where employees can speak with Retail and Delivery Operations executives about their departments.

“We’re really excited about the advancement of the Postal Service and the new career paths it has created,” said Kristin Seaver, chief retail and delivery officer. “We hope employees will attend the virtual fair and join us in leading the organization boldly into the future.”

As part of the administrative restructuring, USPS is also offering a series of live support sessions from May 17-June 11 on a range of topics, including using eCareer, mock interviews and navigating change. A Preparing for Change — Learning Track for Employees guide on LiteBlue has more information about these sessions, which employees can register for by going to a Preparing for Change: Support Event page on HERO.

Retail and Delivery Operations has almost 463,000 employees and oversees more than 34,000 retail sites and a fleet of roughly 230,000 vehicles.

The Virtual Job Fair website has more information. Employees must be logged into the USPS network to view the site.

Learning Track For Employees

Source: USPS

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