2 thoughts on “Town Hall Meeting with APWU President Dimondstein at Tampa Area Local – Feb 19, 2017

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Wichita Area Local 735
    I’m turning 65 this year and plan to work a few years longer. Looks like this bill will increase my health care costs and insurance premiums in retirement. The reason I cannot retire next year at age 66 is that I don’t have enough money saved yet to retire! Will I have to continue working EVEN LONGER to prepare for this unexpected cost? WE HAVE UNION AGREEMENTS FROM WAY BACK to cover our healthcare coverage benefits in retirement and I do not want those to change now.

    Like many APWU members, I tried our union plan first and HATED IT. Had it for FIVE YEARS before changing plans so I could get the healthcare coverage I needed. I DON’T WANT APWU NEGOTIATING NEW HEALTHCARE IN RETIREMENT COVERAGE FOR ME. I WANT TO KEEP WHAT WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PROMISED. PERIOD.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Minneapolis Area Local #125
    Office held, if any
    Local President
    I am a current retiree who voluntarily opted for Medicare A & B. I also held my FEHBA plan which is now my secondary but primary for prescription drugs.
    Under the proposed legislation:
    1) What happens to my FEHB plan? If I keep it as well as have Medicare does my FEHB Plan cost go down since it will no longer cover prescription drugs?
    2) What happens to this bill when Congress repeals the ACA in that Paul Ryan wants to significantly change Medicare the way we have known it?
    3) Once the tooth paste is out of the tube, what is to prevent retirees being forced into a voucher program?
    4) The APWU’s official summary of the legislation says that it will not increase health care costs to retirees. What in the bill guarantees retirees will not bear higher costs?

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