3 thoughts on “Documentation that says Custodians get higher level for high dusting?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Philadelphia, PA Area Local #89 - Retiree Chapter
    Office held, if any
    Member / 21CPW Site Administrator

    Carl and others,

    Regarding higher level pay for Custodians, please check out the following, via Bobby Donelson, President, Retiree Chapter – Southwest Coastal Area Local:
    Lamping Policies and Procedures Memorandum [pdf]

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NY Metro

    It is on a powered verta-lift. Does anyone know the documentation to support it and what level they get? Thank you.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch

    Unless you’re using a driven vertalift of some sort, no.

    If you’re using driver-operated power equipment, you get higher level.

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