PRC’s Analysis of USPS’s FY 2014 Program Performance Report and FY 2015 Performance Plan

Press Release – July 7, 2015
Washington, DC – In a report issued today, the Postal Regulatory Commission examines the Postal Service’s fiscal year 2014 program performance report and fiscal year 2015 performance plan. The Commission is mandated by statute to review the Postal Service’s goals and make findings as to whether the Postal Service has met those goals and offer any recommendations regarding the protection or promotion of public policy objectives. The Commission does not have the authority to alter the Postal Service’s goals.

As it did for the first time last year, the Commission is issuing this report separate from its annual compliance determination to provide a more in-depth analysis of the Postal Service’s four performance goals: 1) Deliver High-Quality Services, 2) Provide Excellent Customer Experiences, 3) Ensure a Safe Workplace and Engaged Workforce, and 4) Sustain Controllable Income.

The Commission’s findings are as follows:

  • The Postal Service partially met both the Deliver High-Quality Services and Sustain Controllable Income goals.
  • The Postal Service did not meet the Ensure a Safe Workplace and Engaged Workforce goal.
  • The Commission cannot determine whether the Postal Service met the Provide Excellent Customer Experiences goal due to lack of comparable 2014 data.

To help the Postal Service better meet the goals and assess its performance in future years:

  • In cases where the overall delivery service performance indicator missed its target, the Commission recommends that the Postal Service isolate specific measurements for time periods, geographic regions, or products.
  • The Commission recommends that the Postal Service provide results for each new customer experience measure based on surveys received throughout 2015.
  • To determine the efficacy of the Postal Service’s plan to meet its safe workplace goal, the Commission recommends that the Postal Service discuss the most common types of illnesses and injuries by employee activity and preventative measures in next year’s report and plan.
  • The Commission recommends that the Postal Service revise its targets for sustaining controllable income to reflect the delay in implementing its network rationalization, as well as outline other methods employed to meet its controllable income goal.

A copy of the Commission’s Analysis of the Postal Service’s FY 2014 Program Performance Report and FY 2015 Performance Plan is located at

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