3 thoughts on “New Years Day Drafting Mayhem!

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Columbus Ohio Area Local 232
    Office held, if any
    Central Region National Safety Representative

    Guess the USPS isn’t broke anymore.. things that make you say hmmmm…hope the National Reps take these schedules and comments to the Hill next time the USPS goes a crying to the politicians…. PLEASE HELP US!!

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Lehigh Valley Area Local PA 0268
    Office held, if any
    Clerk Craft Director

    Just posted the list for New Years and is more than Christmas also. More are being forced than on Christmas and I agree management is treating it like a regular day and that’s not what the holiday list is for. Management has not discussed any holiday list like they are to do before they post it. The members need to remember who is forcing them to work. It’s not the Union’s idea, it’s MANAGEMENT”S idea. The lack of respect from management towards Union officers and the members has never been this bad. We must band together like never before to fight management. The struggle continues.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Wilmington DE/MTS Area Local 152
    Office held, if any

    We love you Dominick Lombardi. You keep it real.

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