One thought on “MM7’s EWP using a meter to verify zero voltage prior to lockout

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Philadelphia, PA Area Local #89
    Office held, if any
    Retired Maintenance Craft Electronics Technician / Retiree Activist Member

    Dispute Q10T-4Q-C 15150146 was filed by the APWU Maintenance Division protesting the Service language they were adding to MMOs regarding the Energy Control Procedures (ECP). The offending read:

    “Any employee found not in compliance with these procedures may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.”

    The Service had been getting away with this asserting any violation was a failure to follow instructions. With the advent of the Electrical Work Practices (EWP), the controlling M.I. and MMO require refresher training first. That language is:

    “When management believes there are deviations from the established work practices, the employee must take the appropriate electrical safety-training course that addresses that particular work practice. If management believes the employee lacks a good understanding of basic knowledge of electrical work policies, the employee must retake Electrical – Safety Work – Cat 1 & 2 – WBT, which covers the basic Postal Service policies regarding electrical work.”

    (via: APWU: TL 5 effective date MOU, PSE and ECP Step 4 Settlements)

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